If you have any problems starting the program, try using another video driver. Tested are VGA16-Drivers and SuperVGA256-Drivers. For best Colors you should use Hi-Color or True-Color-Drivers. Especially if you choose a large picture for the Main form, there can be problems with some video drivers. If you want to change the animated Pictures you must enter just the letters before the number without extension (for example if the file names are Haeng0.bmp;haeng1.bmp; haeng3.bmp;... then you must enter HAENG as filename in Options General). If there is a message while installing because a file can't be copied,just press ignore. If Learn is not running you should delete the specified file before. I am looking for a vbx that plays fli animations or anything like this. If you know one please contact me (jgoebel@stud.uni-frankfurt.de). MfG J.M.Goebel